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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What kind of medical care can be obtained in polyclinics at the place of attachment?
In the polyclinic, you can receive medical services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, prevention, rehabilitation, immunization, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, active care, patronage, dynamic (dispensary) monitoring of patients with chronic diseases, drug provision, family planning, monitoring of pregnant women, maternity hospitals and newborns.

Source: Order of the Acting Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 2023 No. 49 "On approval of the Standard for the organization of primary health care in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
2. Can a patient be denied medical care if he does not have an insurance status in the СSHI system?
An uninsured patient can receive services that are included in the list of GPMP, but cannot receive medical services in the MSHI package.

In cases of socially significant diseases, consultative and diagnostic assistance, as well as treatment is carried out within the framework of the GOBMP.

What is included in the GOBMP package:
  • emergency medical care;
  • primary health care – admission of a district doctor, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, prevention, rehabilitation, immunization, commitment to a healthy lifestyle, active, patronage, dynamic (dispensary) monitoring of patients with chronic diseases;
  • medical care in the day hospital and round-the-clock hospital for the treatment of chronic diseases and socially significant diseases;
  • medical rehabilitation for tuberculosis;
  • palliative care;
  • transplantation;
  • treatment abroad;
  • drug provision
3. What kind of medical care can a district midwife (paramedic, nurse/nurse) provide?
An average health worker provides pre-medical care, including:
  • Admission and examination to assess the state of health and identify diseases.
  • Entering data into the system "Register of pregnant women and women of fertile age".
  • Emergency care for women, including pregnant and maternity women.
  • Monitoring of pregnant women with chronic diseases.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of the appointments of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Management of physiological pregnancy and patronage.
  • Medical services at home for pregnant women, maternity and gynecological patients.
  • Screening and preventive examinations for early detection of diseases.
  • Family planning and reproductive health counseling.
4. In what cases can I call a health worker at home?
A health worker can be called to the house for acute conditions or exacerbation of chronic diseases, if there are no pronounced organ disorders.

Indications for the call:
District nurse or paramedic:
  • The temperature is above 38°C
  • High blood pressure without feeling ill
  • Conditions, injuries and diseases without loss of consciousness, bleeding or sudden deterioration
The district doctor:
  • Conditions requiring medical examination, according to the assessment of the registry or the nurse/paramedic
  • Deterioration of the condition after vaccination
How to make a call:
Call the reception, the district nurse or the paramedic.
5. Early detection of tuberculosis
Health workers of all specialties carry out early detection of tuberculosis when patients apply for a professional examination, immunization and medical care.

Early detection methods:
  • Sputum smear examination in patients with signs of tuberculosis
  • Fluorography
  • Tuberculin Mantoux test and tests with tuberculosis allergen in children
Procedures in polyclinics:
  • Patients with cough are served out of turn and receive disposable masks
  • If there are symptoms of tuberculosis, the patient is sent for examination according to the Protocol for the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis
  • Contacts with tuberculosis patients are referred to a phthisiologist for consultation
  • With positive research results, patients are referred to phthisiopulmonology centers
Risk groups that need an annual fluorographic examination:
  • Contact with a tuberculosis patient
  • People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, drug addiction, HIV/AIDS patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy
  • Persons with residual lung phenomena
  • Persons released from prison
6. What kind of rehabilitation can be obtained at the polyclinic level?
To receive medical rehabilitation services, you need to contact your local doctor. After collecting the medical history and clarifying the details, the district doctor will issue a referral to a rehabilitologist or send the patient's documents for consideration by a multidisciplinary group (MDG).

In the clinic, you can get rehabilitation at the outpatient level, in cases where round-the-clock monitoring and treatment are not required. It depends on the equipment of the polyclinic, the patient's condition and his disease.

At the outpatient level, only the third stage of rehabilitation is possible, if the patient's condition allows, this can only be determined by a doctor or MDG.
The main volume of medical rehabilitation services can be obtained in the MSHI package. The GOBMP includes medical services for the rehabilitation of patients with tuberculosis.
7. Is it possible to get vaccinated in an CSHI package?
Preventive vaccinations are included in the GOBMP.
The category of the population that is included in the target groups for receiving vaccinations and the frequency of their implementation are established by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 612 dated September 24, 2020.

Citizens of Kazakhstan, permanent residents of foreigners and stateless persons can get vaccinated under the GOBMP (confirmed by the presence of a residence permit).
8. What kind of emergency care can a patient receive in a polyclinic?
The patient can receive emergency care for conditions that are not life-threatening and health-threatening.

Options for getting help:
  • Independent visit: Contact the pre-medical or filter room.
  • Home call: Make an application by phone, through the e-government portal or the medical information system.
  • Ambulance: Call 103. The dispatcher will send the nearest team.
Emergency care is provided at the patient's location, regardless of the attachment to the clinic.
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